Redes sociais

Pai e mãe mostram na web o lado cômico de criar quatro filhas

Foto: Reprodução/Instagram.

Simon e Clemmie Hooper tinham uma vida relativamente normal em Londres até dois anos atrás. Pais de duas meninas, eles viram a rotina virar ainda mais de cabeça para baixo com a chegada das filhas gêmeas. Sob um ponto de vista cômico, ambos retratam suas respectivas rotinas no Instagram, de refeições e banhos até passeios no parque.

Is it only me or do all men learn to sleep on an 8 inch strip at the edge of the bed? Irrespective of the size of the bed, or how many people are in it, I always find myself relegated to the 'man zone'. I've become so used to sleeping on this limited area of bed real estate, that I'm confident that I could sleep on top of a wall & not fall off. On the other side of the bed (the promised land), @mother_of_daughters sleeps like a star fish all night long, kneeing me in the back and generally complains about me coming to bed too late, being too cold or my foot encroaching onto her territory. At least the bed's nice and warm, even if the reception isn't sometimes! I hope that next Sunday, on #NationalLieInDay, I'll not only gain another hour in bed, but more space – but it's doubtful ! If you want to regain that hour (and some space for that matter) click in the link in my bio, loads of great prizes to be won @SimbaSleep #bedrealestate #livingontheedge #girls #twins #daughters #therestoomanygirls #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #gopro

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Embora a mãe seja escritora e parteira, o maior sucesso, por enquanto, é do pai, que faz imagens brincando sobre como é viver sob domínio feminino. Simon tem feito tanto sucesso que até conseguiu patrocínio para fazer um post pago de higiene bucal. Veja alguns registros do cotidiano deles.

It doesn't count as child labour if they're your kids. That's what I keep telling myself. Keep up the good work girls, I'll just redo everything they do after they're in bed #dadlife #fatherofdaughters #garden #immakingprogress #girlsatwork #mygirls

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The older girls were still away at dinner time this evening so rather than default to a 'dad special' (a pouch of nondescript food, a bananna and a biscuit) , I actually cooked. This is the first time they truly responded to a question I've asked and it's with a NO, followed by laughter. Man, they're tough critics. It was like a swift baby sized kick to the nuts and my ego. I wanted to shove the bowl right in their smug faces but thought better of it. Kind of sets the tone for the rest of my life I guess. Next time they'll get bread and water from me followed by a stern look. #nexttimeitsbreadornothing #gordonramseywouldgomental #babykickstomyego #ofcourseiatetheleftovers #dadlife #fatherofdaughters #instadad

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So after 2 hours of prep work (I'm quite the master of makeup these days), we went into the night to knock on random people's doors and essentially force them to hand over sweets. If you're wondering, Anya is Mary queen of Scots, Marnie is a cat, I'm the scariest thing of all – a father of 4 daughters on the edge of sanity after a stupidly early wake up this morning – ffrreeeaaakkkyy! After an hour of walking around, we turned for home with 1 kilo of sugar (some of which were obviously left over sweets from last year) that will no doubt keep the kids up for hours to come. oh the joy. Happy Halloween all. #wifeysavedthedaywiththecostumes #doesthisnotcountasrobbery #halloween #toomuchsugar #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

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Well that was fun. @mother_of_daughters is away with the eldest 2 so I have the twins. Delilah was up & down last night more than a yoyo who'd necked a crate of redbull. As a dad, I usually have inbuilt noise cancelling and can sleep through an thrash metal gig but last night was something else. The neighbours must have thought I was skinning cats with a wooden spoon at 3.30am – the noise was endless – the kind of noise that cuts through you & drains you of any memory of who you are or what you're doing until your brain dribbles out you ear. They seem to have forgotten the whole experience and moved on. I'll just scoop up my eye bags so they don't drag on the floor. To top it all, the car is broken so I can't get to my brother's birthday. A shocker of a day so far. #brainonthefloor #alongwiththeeyebags #brokencar #twins #comehomeplease #parenting #fatherofdaughter #dadlife #instadad

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Tomorrow is international day of the girl and I, more than most, am celebrating. I might be heavily outnumbered and outgunned, but I'm celebrating because my girls are strong independent young ladies that are growing up in a world that they can do anything they put their mind to (with a little encouragement). We strive for equality and see women as equals (and in my case, as superiors!). That said, in many places girls are seen as second class citizens and have limited opportunities to reach their full potential. This has to change. Go kiss your girls goodnight & encourage them everyday to reach for the stars. Tag a strong girl and share. #mygirlswearthetrousers #daughters #dayofthegirl #girlsareequals #girlsarestrong #sisters #mygirls #girlsareamazing #beproudofyoudaughters #fatherofdaughters #instadad #dadlife

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The 3rd and final day of #dadtakeover and operation deep-clean is in full effect. (Basically got to make it look like all the jobs I was supposed to do are actually done). That means everything has to be clean, and I mean everything. Don't worry I'm not a monster – I put them on a low temp slow spin cycle. They now smell like fabric conditioner but that's better than before. Putting them in the tumble dryer was a step too far so now got to air dry them before they other girls get home. NOTE: don't actually put your baby in a washing machine, that's mental. #willthelinetaketheirweight #theyrecominghome #airdrying #washing #twinssmellofleonor #twins #dadwin #instadad #dadlife #fatherofdaughters #parenting

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